Is it possible?
Yes. Controlling the sunspots is a must, after that it's easy.
Basically you must create a sunspot in an area where the Sun could push himself in only one direction, the Earth (and other planets as well) being redirected to new orbits.
How is this possible? The coronal mass ejections acts as a rocket, you only "help" just a little bit the Sun to make it's own cooling (release of energy) and only in a certain direction and at a certain time.
We will use the fact that it's core has a density of up to 150.000 kg/m3 (150 times the density of water on Earth) and a temperature of close to 13,600,000 Kelvin, quite a big number compared to the surface of the Sun (witch is only about 5,800 Kelvin and has a much lower density).
Basically, we must constantly create a very thin "hole" (or sunspot) in a very precise area, and from there the Sun will push himself in only one desired direction - the Earth (and other planets as well) being redirected to new orbits.
This could be done by putting a very large mirror and a big network of high power lasers (Tokamak Lasers) in a L1 Lagrangian point (1,5 millions km between Earth and Sun). This powerful device will act like the very high temperature "needle" we want and will make a very dense "spot" at the Sun's surface, thus creating a breach in the Sun's crust and plasma, at demand (don't worry, sunspots disapear after 11 or 12 days - Sun rotation at ecuator is around 28 days).
A model of the laser can be found here: Sci Fi Science: Designing a Planet Buster
As Dr Michio Kaku says: "the amount of energy you can pack in a such a beam is only limited by the energy source. Theoretically, you could put the power of an entire galaxy in ONE laser beam. Here we are using the power of the Sun, a Tokamak, a thermonuclear fusion reactor generating enormous amount of X-rays, whitch are then focused into a column and it's shoots out like a X-ray beam."
The fun part just begins. A sunspot created in a different direction from earth's future orbit will "move" the Sun in the opposite one, just like a rocket. This could be done only for 3 months in a year (or 6 if you want the corona jet to interfere with earth magnetic field and see Aurora Borealis in Europe, for example), in this wat the Sun being pushed in the wanted direction by it's own force (by the blue vector pointing downwards in the picture below).
With this "tool", the now increasing solar irradiance of 1366-1450 W/sqm, the radio interference, the blackouts from power grid failures, even the H5N1 or H1N1 pandemics (they are closely linked with years of maximum solar activity), all of that could be history. Controlled by humans.
Even if the "sunspot controlling gun" doesn't work, the 1500 km long "umbrella" (reflective mesh) will put the Earth in a permanent "transparent solar eclipse", at that distance (1.500.000 km) will shadow all the earth surface and could be the Greatest Weapon of All Times, against everyone. If that will be constructed like a wire mesh (hexagonal or something - to minimize the costs) this will reduce the solar radiation received by earth with 1 or 2 % easily - just enough to cancel the Global Warming effect.
Click this for "Moving the Sun" details
and this for Edward Teller's Lagrange Mesh Point L1

BBC Link
Any cook who has tasted a dish after tossing in too much salt or hot pepper knows the panic of trying to undo the damage.
You raid the spice rack to mask the glut of cayenne, but oops - now it is swimming in oregano. It is hard to restore the balance once you overdo it.
"I think it's inherently unethical. I don't see how you decide on the basis of all humanity how to change the planet. But I think it's irresponsible, in a way, not to study it."
Sun's radius= 109 x Earth
Earth's radius = 6,378 km
Distance to the Sun = 149 mil km.
Update: some deleted comments in a forum.
The sun has his trajectory thru the milky way:
The sun has his trajectory inside the milky way and your plan is like trying to move the direction of a running train with some fireworks, A4 paper acting as windshield and a mirror._____________________________________________________
Anonymous - Mar 9, 2010
and if the sun is a white hole of a black hole you are toying with the event
Anonymous - Mar 9, 2010
Anonymous - Mar 9, 2010
and if the nassim haramein is right when you do a sunspot in the northern
hemisphere a twin sunspot appear in the southern hemisphere on the other
side..and teh sun is flip his poles once on 11 years . "This transition happens,
as far as we know, at the peak of every 11-year sunspot cycle -- like
clockwork." http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2001/ast15feb_1.htm
Anonymous - Mar 9, 2010
Anonymous - Mar 9, 2010
ok..if you wanna a better simulation download universe sandbox
video with what can you do with the software http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=IxxJ2z5ImPU
Second: So, if the sun is moving through space in a certain direction the planets move with him spiraling in space and the sun does the same thing ...he doesn't have a straight direction in space..he is spiraling in a curled trajectory and so, his curled trajectory is a spiral spiraling into the galaxy arms..so the planet earth is traped in a multiple and complex set of small spirall to big spiral trajectories into the universe.
even when you move your arm through space there are zilions of bilions of spiraling matter (your atoms, electrons etc) spiraling through space..magic
And the distance between earth and sun is at aphelion - 152,097,701 km and at perihelion 147,098,074 km
even if you get at the point to do a sunspot..what would you do with the "high speed suction. They discovered that the magnetic field underneath a sunspot can cut off the sunspotos supply of energy from the Suns hot core. That plugs the spot. When that happens, matter above the plug cools and becomes more dense. Eventually, it becomes sufficiently heavy for gravity to drag it down into the center of the sunspot. It is sucked in at a speed of 3,000 miles per hour.
As long as the magnetic field remains strong, the cooling effect continues to suck in the gases that make the structure stable -- a self-perpetuating cycle."
John Galt - Mar 9, 2010
video with what can you do with the software http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=IxxJ2z5ImPU
Second: So, if the sun is moving through space in a certain direction the planets move with him spiraling in space and the sun does the same thing ...he doesn't have a straight direction in space..he is spiraling in a curled trajectory and so, his curled trajectory is a spiral spiraling into the galaxy arms..so the planet earth is traped in a multiple and complex set of small spirall to big spiral trajectories into the universe.
even when you move your arm through space there are zilions of bilions of spiraling matter (your atoms, electrons etc) spiraling through space..magic
And the distance between earth and sun is at aphelion - 152,097,701 km and at perihelion 147,098,074 km
even if you get at the point to do a sunspot..what would you do with the "high speed suction. They discovered that the magnetic field underneath a sunspot can cut off the sunspotos supply of energy from the Suns hot core. That plugs the spot. When that happens, matter above the plug cools and becomes more dense. Eventually, it becomes sufficiently heavy for gravity to drag it down into the center of the sunspot. It is sucked in at a speed of 3,000 miles per hour.
As long as the magnetic field remains strong, the cooling effect continues to suck in the gases that make the structure stable -- a self-perpetuating cycle."
John Galt - Mar 9, 2010

You know, in the vacuum of space, even a small "firework" can make a huge difference. Imagine that if we could move the Sun by 1 cm in a certain direction this will modify it's trajectory by millions of km in a timespan of few thousands years. And now imagine that you do this for 4 Bil yrs -
Also, you could go anywhere, have a day on Earth with 30 hours or less than 20, or have completely different orbits for all the planets - so if there's an asteroid on our trajectory we could Change that, by simply hitting it with Jupiter or evading it.
If this is possible with the whole Milky Way this will make the difference between life or death, as in 5 Bil years we will collide with Andromeda. Witch is not so much fun, to say the least.
Two Galaxies Collide over a Billion Years
-vicki- | Myspace Video
But to have a chance at that time we have to start now.
:) - Mar 9, 2010
esti dus nene. inteligenta schema dar putin cam dificil de realizat. :D
But Thank You!
(Btw: it's the first time ANYONE got this ideea - check google)
interesant ;o) eu as cauta solutia sa fixez pamantul ... sa fie mereu zi si vara ;o) daca ar fi posibil ;o)
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